
You will find all prices below. To book, you can preferably use the online booking feature of this website. You can also use the other booking methods described below. When you do an online booking you do NOT need to pay upfront. You can pay after the massage.

Tarieven Massages

Therapeutic Massage Shoulder-, back-, neck40 minutes39 €
Sport Massage40 minutes39 €
Relax Massage60 minutes60 €
Relax Massage90 minutes90 €
Zen Massage60 minutes60 €
Zen Massage90 minutes90 €
Samudra Massage60 minutes80 €
Samudra Massage90 minutes115 €

Tarieven Abonnementen

Subscription Relax Massage 60 minutes – 10 turns* 550 €
Subscription Zen Massage 60 minutes – 10 turns * 550 €
Subscription Relax Massage 90 minutes – 10 turns * 850 €
Subscription Zen Massage 90 minutes- 10 turns * 850 €
* Subscriptions are valid for 12 months. You can buy a subscription if you can/want to come regularly.

ONLINE: Choose a day and hour yourself on the calendar. You can see which times are available.

Use the above number to call me. On a smartphone just click the image above.
Email to “info at” or click the above image. You can also use the contact form on the contact page.